

News, dates and updates about our project... feel free to subscribe to our RSS or social media channels at the bottom! :)

This website is still ‚beta’...

Hello world!

This site is still new (beta). Things get added, other things may not behave as expected yet.

"The man in the traffic light beckons to me with his arms." (Scene from '13 stages')
„The man in the traf­fic light beck­ons to me with his arms.” (Scene from ’13 stages’) (View on flickr)

If you find any issues on the site - broken links, typos, bad gram­mar, miss­ing infos, weird looks in cer­tain browsers, etc. - please report it by adding a com­ment below!

Thank you! :)

Fan mail

Dear fans!

No matter at what stage you are, if you had fun watch­ing ’13 stages’ or it made you cry, if you just ended your rela­tion­ship or started a new one or some­thing in between... If you like the movie or want to com­plain about bad acting or camera work...

... here is the place for your feedback!

Also like us on face­book, follow us on twit­ter, check out our boards on Pin­ter­est or watch the love films we like on Vimeo!

Spread the word! Find true love! ;)

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