Moving in together: Is life really over now?

Moving in together can raise fright­en­ing ques­tions. Ques­tions like:

‚Is life really over now?’

‚Will I become old and narrow-minded?’...

But it can also con­sti­tute an undreamt-of source of eupho­ria. After all, a mutual flat gen­er­ates an incom­pa­ra­ble feel­ing of close­ness.
Well... the most impor­tant ques­tion is: How does this close­ness affect a modern relationship?

Moving in together: "... undreamt-of source of euphoria" (Scene from '13 stages')
Moving in together: „... undreamt-of source of eupho­ria” (Scene from ’13 stages’) (View on flickr)
Stuck in daily routine: "Yet as soon as the flat is completely furnished, silence reigns between those four walls." (Scene from '13 stages')
Stuck in daily rou­tine: „Yet as soon as the flat is com­pletely fur­nished, silence reigns between those four walls.” (Scene from ’13 stages’) (View on flickr)

Moving in together: Is life really over now? 

[Poll] [1 people voted] [Show results]
  • Yes, moving in together ends life. 1 (100%)
  • No! Moving in together is the begin­ning of life! 0 (0%)
  • It does­n’t change anything. 0 (0%)
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